Cory “cr0ybot” Hughart

Senior Web Developer @ Alpha Particle
Ex-Host of In The Loop WordPress podcast
Possibly a robot | he/him
Hi, I’m Cory Hughart: full-stack web & app developer, amateur cook & fermentation hobbyist, gardener, tinkerer, and general curious person.
I can conjure a website or app from nothing into existence, fully formed. I specialize in manipulating the very fabric of the web, its raw materials of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SVG. To launch these creations into the cosmos, I have studied the ancient tomes of sysadmin to create and control Linux servers, the golems of the cloud. Their true names are inscribed into the DNS so that all who speak their names may summon them. And each and every one is sealed with an SSL certificate of authenticity.
A full-stack developer knows no bounds. And when they find one they cross it without hesitation, boldly going into the unknown to return richer for it.
Open-source technologies empower this process. I am a custom WordPress theme and plugin development expert. I fully embrace the Gutenberg block editor and can create custom blocks from scratch for any conceivable need. I have contributed in small ways to these and other open-source efforts and intend to give back every chance I get.
My art & design background informs ideation to design through to implementation. In 2010 I graduated from the Cleveland Institute of Art with a focus on digital arts and a mantra to always consider my audience. I will always advocate for the user of my interfaces; accessibility is not optional.
I can plan, design, build, launch, and maintain a website myself—did I mention that I build mobile apps too? I have worked on 10+ published cross-platform iOS and Android apps with React Native and Titanium SDK, roughly half of which I built and maintain solo.
With every project, I strive to learn something new. Whether trying out new cutting-edge CSS features, optimizing part of my workflow, or using (or writing) a new Node module, I am always learning-by-doing. I’m a chronic tinkerer.
This tendency towards tinkering extends outside of my professional life. My vegetable garden and houseplant collection grows a little each year (I’m particularly fond of tomatoes). Since I started cooking, I’ve kept a log of my recipes and techniques—which are adjusted each time I cook. I also came to learn that there are some foods that you can’t just cook to produce, and so fermentation became a challenge, then a hobby, and at some point a community which you can read more about (and join!) at
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